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Mexico Travel in Waco, TX

Taking a trip to Mexico can be a fun and exciting time. However, traveling across international borders includes various risks and exposures and typically includes significant costs. Even the most seasoned and experienced travelers should understand and prioritize adequate travel insurance.

What Is Travel Insurance?

Like many types of insurance, travel insurance represents a formal agreement between you and your insurance company. These policies can ensure you have access to the financial resources needed to manage incidents and mishaps occurring during your travels, such as flight cancellations, trip interruptions, luggage losses or medical services. Travel insurance may be purchased for a single trip or maintained over an extended period. The professionals at Rosalinda’s Insurance Agency can help you identify and acquire an ideal policy.

Do I Need Insurance to Travel to Mexico?

Travel insurance is typically not legally required; however, specific coverage requirements may apply to your trip to Mexico. For example, if you plan to drive across the border or otherwise operate a U.S. motor vehicle, you typically need Mexican auto insurance, as American policies are generally invalid.

Even without any insurance requirements, you should still consider travel coverage. Without an adequate policy, you may be unable to recover any funds should your trip be disrupted or delayed. Furthermore, if you are injured or become ill while in Mexico, lacking travel insurance could leave you without the means to access medical care.

What Coverage Does Mexican Car Insurance Provide?

A Mexican car insurance policy may often include many of the same features you might have while driving your vehicle north of the border. Bodily injury and property damage liability coverage are required by law, and the following additional coverages may also be advisable:

  • Physical damage coverage—This component of your policy may help pay for repair or replacement costs if your vehicle is damaged or stolen.
  • Roadside assistance coverage—This coverage may provide financial assistance if your car breaks down, such as for towing and other services (e.g., changing a tire or jumping a battery).
  • Medical payments coverage—If you or your passengers are injured in an accident, this coverage may help pay for resulting health care costs.
  • Medical evacuation coverage—This part of your insurance may help pay for expenses if you are injured in an accident and require immediate transportation to a hospital.

Get the Mexican Car Insurance You Need Today

While you may be able to add a limited Mexico coverage endorsement to your existing auto insurance policy, not every insurer provides this option. You may need to purchase a standalone policy to satisfy Mexico’s federal liability laws.

We can help you get a Mexican auto insurance policy with tailored coverage to meet your needs. Contact us today to get a quote.